Probating A Will In A Small Texas town?
My dad died this year living his ninety year old wife as executrix of his will, I was next if my stepmother was not able to serve. which she was not. she is well know in this because she was very active, everyone knows her mind is going. I have P.O.A, there was a hearig to declare her incompetent, the day of the hearing the lawyer that made the will presented to the judge he wanted the banker be repersenative for my stepm, without my knowledge or my lawyer’s. my lawyer told the judge he had made several attempts by ph, and mail without return, and the judge said you have not talked. I’ll give you a minute to talk. I went ahead an agree to this. I feel violated and disrepected. I wint to the bank and tried to get bank I was told my P.O.A. was not good death. I have an expiration on p.o.a 2030. I tried to get a statement of liens or judgement against. the person look in computer and the judge had the records. and it was not on the comp. Can they do this? the money dad gave me bef H D
1. I have no idea what a POA is.
2. Lots of small towns are crooked.
3. Suspicious that a "banker" (he who holds the accounts, huh?) is appointed to manage the s-mother’s affairs instead of a neutral third party.
4. Giving you ONLY one minute is expressed prejudice and grounds for an appeal
5. Records cannot be removed from a computer and given to a judge. The judge would recieve certified COPIES of the records.
6. Unless you are a moron and have irritated everyone in the town with loud whining and clumsy actions, you have grounds to blow this open.
You need another attorney and then let him/her handle this.
Just remember this. If the estate is small, the lawyers–even the good ones if you should find one (lots of luck) will eat the money up and no one will have anything.
1. I have no idea what a POA is.
2. Lots of small towns are crooked.
3. Suspicious that a "banker" (he who holds the accounts, huh?) is appointed to manage the s-mother’s affairs instead of a neutral third party.
4. Giving you ONLY one minute is expressed prejudice and grounds for an appeal
5. Records cannot be removed from a computer and given to a judge. The judge would recieve certified COPIES of the records.
6. Unless you are a moron and have irritated everyone in the town with loud whining and clumsy actions, you have grounds to blow this open.
You need another attorney and then let him/her handle this.
Just remember this. If the estate is small, the lawyers–even the good ones if you should find one (lots of luck) will eat the money up and no one will have anything.
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if you think you have a case,then get a Texas attorney.If you do it
yourself you will loose the case
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