Serious problems and deaths linked to medications break record. Is it time now to …?
take control of the FDA away from the multinational corporations (big pharma, big chema, big agra)?
Read the article before answering:;_ylt=A0wNcwMiV_9IFCYB1gF34T0D
"WASHINGTON – The number of serious problems and deaths linked to medications reported to the government set a record in the first three months of this year, a health industry watchdog group said Wednesday.
The Food and Drug Administration received nearly 21,000 reports of serious drug reactions, including over 4,800 deaths, said an analysis of federal data by the nonprofit Institute for Safe Medication Practices, which scrutinized data going back to 2004, and yearly totals dating to the 1990s."
Should the FDA should be dismantled altogether in favor of states chosing to implement their own regulations, as envisaged by the Constitution, Amendment #10.
With such immense wealth and political influence behind the these multinational corporations, is it even remotely possible to reform the FDA to a degree where it acts in the interests of the people?
If each state had its own rules, would it not be far more difficult (and less profitable) for elite corporate interests to hijack the product-approval process. They would have to buy off politicians and government officials from each and every state. As it stands now, they must buy off only one set of politicians and government officials.
I believe the FDA is by far the most serious health threat we face – not only for their corporate bias toward medication approvals, but their corporate bias relating to food and chemicals as well.
What say you? Should the FDA be dismantled in favor of state authority?
The concept of the FDA is good. What is wrong with it is the result of political corruption. If the FDA were doing it’s job, imports of food from Communist China would be stopped. We have seen many examples of food coming from China that is tainted. Because the FDA is a political animal, and Red China is our "friend", nothing is done.
At the same time, the FDA persecutes the food supplements industry, for the benefit of the big pharmaceutical companies. The solution: make it against the law for any candidate for election to receive ANY campaign money from any pharmaceutical company, or any holding company that controls one. Make any politician who later takes a job with a pharmaceutical company, or becomes a lobbyist for one, or receives honorariums from one, a felon, and put him behind bars.
Make politicians raise ALL their campaign funds from individuals – no corporate or special interests. Prohibit former politicians from ever profiting from the legislative activities.
Politicians are the Criminal Class. They need to be constantly monitored, even after they leave office.
Nosocomial deaths skyrocketed during the CLinton administration, because government forced health care to cut cost. Megamergers during both Clinton and Bush administrations added to the problem. The government has doenenough damage, and the biggest threat is universal healthcare
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The concept of the FDA is good. What is wrong with it is the result of political corruption. If the FDA were doing it’s job, imports of food from Communist China would be stopped. We have seen many examples of food coming from China that is tainted. Because the FDA is a political animal, and Red China is our "friend", nothing is done.
At the same time, the FDA persecutes the food supplements industry, for the benefit of the big pharmaceutical companies. The solution: make it against the law for any candidate for election to receive ANY campaign money from any pharmaceutical company, or any holding company that controls one. Make any politician who later takes a job with a pharmaceutical company, or becomes a lobbyist for one, or receives honorariums from one, a felon, and put him behind bars.
Make politicians raise ALL their campaign funds from individuals – no corporate or special interests. Prohibit former politicians from ever profiting from the legislative activities.
Politicians are the Criminal Class. They need to be constantly monitored, even after they leave office.
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