
Posts Tagged ‘Rants’

What do you know about Harry Ried?

December 14th, 2009 6 comments

I want to know:

How do Mormons view Reid?

How does the state of Nevada feel about Reids comments?

Personally I cant stand him. After I researched his voting record, I realized that he is a man of contradictions.
He voted against a ban on assault wepons.
He voted for the Brady Bill
He is pro-life
He advocates the death penalty
He opposes the tax breaks for big oil companies
He opposes gay marriage
He has a lousy stance on illegal immigration
YOU BEEN- Gee dumbas.s, that was before Reid made his rants much like yours. And in regards to the email that you sent me, no! Im not into homosexual men but thanks for the offer I guess. Im sure somebody great will come your way.
NOT SO DEEP THOUGHT- So, your answer is that you dont know, right?

Let me add something to my question. If you are an ignorant liberal like these two, please, spare me your boring answers.

He’s a traitorous defeatist with an agenda