Possible legal trouble with the ex… VERY LONG… sorry!?
So… another legal(s) question. I NEED to get a lawyer but of course no ones around until Monday and I will worry myself to death until then. My ex calls me tonight. This is all about the issue a few months ago where my son asked to be adopted… So my ex tells me tonight that I will be getting served with papers hahahah…
When I ask what for he tells me that there are several things pending with the state att. 1) fraud. his child support is auto deduct from his check. In the past his company has over paid me and when I took steps to give it back I was told that all I had to do was agree to allow them to take "X" amount out of each payment in the future to cover it and that’s the best way to resolve this… that is what I have been doing. The last few weeks they have been double paying me. I called them and as per the agreement they told me that if his company sends it in with my name that they have to give it to me and if it is a over payment then they will just keep taking "X" amount until it is covered. Fine not a problem… he states that my case worker (at my request) has forged papers saying that he is in arrears and that they have auth the state to take double payments until this is caught up… I have not been to court / talked to judge / filed ANY sort of papers about child support. I am clue less but needless to say PER HIM I have a fraud charge coming.
2)He then tells me that he has hired a PI and this person has been following me for the last 8 weeks… they know every breathe that I take (If this is true then I hope this person was bored to tears!) States that he now knows everything about me… my employment record, 9 years of bank statements. Both of my kids school records (my daughter is not even his…) ect…Because of this, this has helped the state prove that there is cause to file neglect charges on me and take my kids… now maybe i am stupid but wouldn’t DCF or some other agency have to look into this. Visit me, visit my home ect? I have NEVER been visited my DCF or had cause to have them visit me.
3) my husband in under a PTI. This is for theft and his first offense ever. He was adv that as long as he behaves / shows up for his monthly check ins / pays the fines / does not get in any trouble that there are no other restrictions… he can come and go… drink even within reason and leave the county as needed… we went to NC back in Feb… My ex caused me and my husband to fight. It was bad and my ex called the cops. He is telling me that with one phone call he can have him arrested for this issue… the cops that responded at the time of issue ran his name… checked all his info and released him from the scene. How the hell can he cause my husband to be arrested for a issue that happened out of state when the responding cops did not see fit to?
and last I promise)
4) he says that the states has me for insurance fraud… Both of my kids are on Florida Kid care. have been for years. My ex now states that he can prove that he has had insurance on my son for the last 9 years and I just failed to use it… This is not something that I was ever advised of. In fact he told my mother that when we divorced the judge told him he had to pay for it…not give me the info… It’s hear say but….
1) Hmm.. Try looking at that from his perspective. How would you like it if a big chunk of your check was being taken out and you knew it wasn’t supposed to be? And then the response was "we’ll just take out less later. Good luck with your bills for THIS month!" I’d be pissed too. And so would you – don’t deny it. It sounds like a big misunderstanding, but you should really try to get this fixed as soon as possible. He may have a case here.
2) Creepy, and probably BS if you haven’t heard from any officials. And not to his benefit if it’s true and hes just waiting to report you. If he knows that his child is being neglected, and he’s letting it continue for personal reasons, then he’s neglecting the child too.
3) Yeah…kinda bad for you’re case there. When you say "fight" do you mean like fist fight, or screaming fight? Because that’s kind of important. He probably can’t get your husband arrested for that, but it’s something you need to maintain an awareness of. Also, if he was out of state, and his case worker doesn’t know about the incident, and if it was a violation of 1 of his conditions, then your ex may have a point… Tread softly.
4) Fraud in an intentional crime. You can’t defraud someone if you don’t know an alternative exists.
5) What’s the story about your kid asking to be adopted? Adopted by who? Is he asking to live with his father, or just with some random couple? That kind of makes me wonder about that whole neglect thing and if that isn’t just a story. How old is the kid, and why does he want to be adopted? That could be a major playing card for your ex.
I don’t mean to make you panic, but if your ex has a decent lawyer, you need one too.
I wouldn’t worry if I were you, it all sounds like a bunch of crap that he is just trying to scare you with. If any of these things were an issue you wouldn’t be hearing it from him, you would have been visited by DCF, the cops, and so on.
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He sounds like he is full of crap.. one phone call my big A**.. he thinks he can scare you into doing what he wants..
I once had the ex tell me he had a PI on me day and night,,yeah sure..
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1) Hmm.. Try looking at that from his perspective. How would you like it if a big chunk of your check was being taken out and you knew it wasn’t supposed to be? And then the response was "we’ll just take out less later. Good luck with your bills for THIS month!" I’d be pissed too. And so would you – don’t deny it. It sounds like a big misunderstanding, but you should really try to get this fixed as soon as possible. He may have a case here.
2) Creepy, and probably BS if you haven’t heard from any officials. And not to his benefit if it’s true and hes just waiting to report you. If he knows that his child is being neglected, and he’s letting it continue for personal reasons, then he’s neglecting the child too.
3) Yeah…kinda bad for you’re case there. When you say "fight" do you mean like fist fight, or screaming fight? Because that’s kind of important. He probably can’t get your husband arrested for that, but it’s something you need to maintain an awareness of. Also, if he was out of state, and his case worker doesn’t know about the incident, and if it was a violation of 1 of his conditions, then your ex may have a point… Tread softly.
4) Fraud in an intentional crime. You can’t defraud someone if you don’t know an alternative exists.
5) What’s the story about your kid asking to be adopted? Adopted by who? Is he asking to live with his father, or just with some random couple? That kind of makes me wonder about that whole neglect thing and if that isn’t just a story. How old is the kid, and why does he want to be adopted? That could be a major playing card for your ex.
I don’t mean to make you panic, but if your ex has a decent lawyer, you need one too.
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I have a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice.