
Posts Tagged ‘Hall Of Records’

I need to get a copy of a death certificate?

April 17th, 2010 5 comments

I am in a dead end situation…I need to get a copy of a death certificate for a person that I bought a home from. Her family is not cooperating wiht me and I need to submit it to my home insurance. Are these records public? I live in Houston, Texas.

~~They are public records. You can go to your state’s website and if allowed order it online, just look for Hall of Records or County Recorders offices.

If they do not allow you to order via the internet, then you can order in person. Just call the county where the deceased was living and order it in person.~~

Where are the missing Obama records?

March 16th, 2010 7 comments

1.Hospital records showing his birth in Hawaii
2. Mother (allegedly dead) death certificate showing who survivors are.
3, Funeral home records showing who attended mother’s funeral, who paid for it and when it occured and where.
4. Mother probate estate records showing who heirs are.
4. Brothers and sisters names, addresses and their birth certificates showing parentage and their information re Obama
5. Father’s name and address,. and if dead, his death certificate.
6, High school records of Obama showing who parents were said to be
7. Immigration records of alleged father of Obama

Right ,where are they? I had to get a passport several years ago, I had one 20 years before but it expired so I needed a new one. I showed my birth certificate that was from a hospital, it was the only one I had and it was not acceptable. Since 9-11 they needed an official one from the state or city of birth not a hospital. That hospital one was good for over 50 years and now I needed another one. So I had to go to the hall of records in NYC and have a new official birth certificate printed up. So why as just an ordinary citizen did I not have a problem getting a new official birth certificate, and then a passport. Why can’t we see Obama’s official one, what is the big deal, why can’t he just show it. What is he hiding, and how did he get a passport, didn’t he have to show the birth certificate when he got it? I want to see it, I have a right to see it and so do you and all Americans!

Can I order a Death Certificate of someone who wasn’t a blood relation or married to?

January 15th, 2010 2 comments

The person passed away in Orange County, California. Can I go online and do this? Or must this be done through the Hall of Records in Orange County. Is it possible to go through the Hall of Records in Los Angeles County? The Death Certificate is for financial reasons. I shared a deed to a timeshare (and a bank account) with this person and if I ever sell it, I believe I need to provide this proof.

yes rose you can do it — you will have to pay a processing fee and give a reason!!!! good luck!!!