
Archive for November, 2011

HELP! Caught shoplifting in California?

November 16th, 2011 3 comments

Before I write, I know I am going to be faced with a lot of prejudice and anger. First and foremost, know that I deeply regret this stupid decision, and it was my first time (I was careless because I knew it was wrong and still did it, but at the same time I just was so fed up for living in near poverty for so long).

I stole $80 of merchandise at JC Penney. They were on sale, so when I was caught, they marked it as the actual retail price which was $165. I slid the items into my purse and thought I was home free despite I was terrified. My boyfriend was with me and thought that I would make it out okay. We were caught by the door by the LP Agent who said, "You must come with me" and dragged us quite painfully to the detainment room.

There they questioned us if we did it, took our things, our identification, phone numbers, everything except our social security. Eventually we admitted our wrongs and returned everything, but because of our ages (24 and 23) they decided to prosecute under California Penal Code 490. We were not read our Miranda Rights. We signed some papers. One of them was the list of items that were stolen and we were going to pay for them, second was the ban of the premises for 6 months, and we are uncertain what the third paper was (if we did, we cannot remember as we were frozen in fear). We were arrested on the spot and taken to the police station despite we were cooperative and agreed to to the ban, apologized, returned the items in tact and unharmed, and agreed to their civil demand. The Police also did not read us our Miranda rights, and we were not interviewed. We had our photos and fingerprints taken and once we were cited, we were released. We were given a court date. We are unable to sleep and are frightened to death. We have never done anything like this before, and while many people said that admitting to the wrong doing was bad, we thought we were doing the right thing by admitting the guilt. We are literally riddled with grief with the fact this will damage our future careers because of a small, but frustrated, mistake.

Anymore facts include: The theft was in California, we were not interviewed or recorded by the Police, we were not kept in jail for more than an hour for them to book us, and insofar we’ve cooperated and showed great remorse for our actions. But we don’t know what to do now. We are told to consult a lawyer, but we have hardly any money to afford one (in fact, the theft was on the basis we hardly have money). We are going to seek a Public Defender, but we are unsure of how this will all cost.

If no priors, probably no jail time, a fine, and a short stint with probation (possibly informal).

As for your rights not being read: If you research miranda questions, either here or somewhere else, you’ll find that your rights only need to be read to you if you are in custody AND the police wish to interview you. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Everything else is television B.S.

As for all the paperwork at the store: That’s fairly common. They can pursue you civilly as well as prosecute you criminally. You can be charged with trespassing if you return to the store (and usually any other J.C Penny).

Corona Pedestrian Accident Lawyer’s Top Ten Things You Wish You’d Said to the Driver Who Hit You After a Pedestrian Accident

November 10th, 2011 No comments

1. Okay, who was it that put a hit out on my life? What did they pay you to run me over?


2. Wow. A crosswalk. Flashing crosswalk lights. In the middle of the day. Guess that just wasn’t enough. Who knew?

3. Well, I’m wearing a white shirt, white tennis shoes, I’m walking a bike with reflectors on the wheels, I’m in a crosswalk and the crosswalk lights were flashing. Was there something else you thought I should have done?


4. Hey, moron, you missed my dog and only hit me. Couldn’t hit us both?


5. Stay here so when the police come I can borrow their taser and try it out on you.


6. Could you just tell me was it just me or would you have hit anyone?


7. Do you have a recent medical condition of stupid, or were you born that way?


8. You really have a unique driving skill there. Empty road, big shoulder. Not a car in sight and you manage to hit me.


9. I know it’s the middle of the day and all. But golly gee, are you nuts or what?


10. Do you see what you did to my bike? Now tell me again I don’t look hurt to you.

Here are ten additional tips of advice to follow if you have been in a pedestrian accident. You can also learn more about how to handle an accident in Corona, or any city, by calling the Law Offices of R. Sebastian Gibson, or by visiting our website at  and learning how we can assist you


Obviously, if you have had an accident, and you are reading all of this advice, it may have been a few hours since the accident. However, if you ever have another accident, or if it’s only been a few hours since you were hurt, here’s what you should do from the start.


First, take a look around and determine if you or anyone, are hurt. If so, taking steps like trying to prevent further injury or loss of blood are the most important thing you can do. Even if some other driver caused you to be injured, it’s just good manners to help the other driver if they are hurt. They may even be so thankful that they admit their fault to you. The worst thing you can do is get angry or start a fight.


Second, make sure everyone is safe from being injured further. If you are in the middle of traffic, and you are dizzy, sit down away from traffic. If your vehicle is a traffic hazard and you have accident warning devices like flares or triangles, put them out on the road to warn other drivers and get away from the car. Let the police an other emergency personnel investigate the scene with the vehicles in place and move them more safely at a later point.


Third, call the police. Accident reports are extremely helpful if the police will do such a report. Let the police know you are injured immediately. Answer the police questions honestly. But if you are dazed or confused, let them know you need medical treatment and answer only what you feel sure about. Remember, your statements can and will be used against you if you admit fault, and it will be too late and too fishy to later say you didn’t know what you were saying at the scene. Police know that your best recollection is immediately after an accident.


Fourth, get the other driver’s information including their names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, make and model of their vehicles, license plate numbers, and their insurance company name and policy number. If there are witnesses, get their names, addresses and telephone numbers as well. If the other driver makes any admissions of fault, write those down as well.


Fifth, if you have a camera on your cell phone or in the car and you aren’t too injured, take some photos of the vehicles and the scene. If you can’t do it right away, do it after you are released from the hospital.

Sixth, if you are hurt, obtain medical treatment. Don’t decline the ambulance or hospital examination to save your insurance company money or to be stoic. Take your valuables out of your car if you can and get checked out at the hospital. If you are not hurt, don’t get treatment you don’t need. However, remember, after an accident, you may feel a rush of adrenaline that causes you to only start feeling symptoms of pain a few hours later. If you have a health plan that requires you to obtain permission first, call them and find out where you are allowed to seek treatment.


Seventh, call a good pedestrian accident lawyer as soon as you have had your initial treatment, so the attorney can gather other important evidence and prevent the insurance company from taking advantage of you and obtaining such things as recorded statements that you feel fine, when many of your symptoms have yet to manifest themselves. A good pedestrian accident lawyer can save you from making a great deal of mistakes and can shoulder much of the hassle of knowing what to do about car repairs, car rentals, medical treatment, witness statements and the like. If you think you will save money by not having an attorney, think again. A good pedestrian accident lawyer can almost always obtain much higher settlements, obtain reductions of medical bills and insurance liens and prevent you from making costly mistakes. Also, most pedestrian accident attorneys advance costs of obtaining police reports, medical records and the like and are paid and reimbursed for these costs only out of any settlement.


Eight, you will need to report the accident to your insurance company, but since they will want to take a recorded statement from you, just like any other driver’s insurance company, it’s good advice to retain an attorney first. And if the other driver did not have insurance, remember that it is your own insurance company that will be your adversary. You will also need to report the accident to the Department of Motor Vehicles and your lawyer can give you the form for this.


Ninth, do not agree to settle your claim privately with the person at fault for the accident. This almost never works out to your advantage. Don’t agree not to call the police. Police reports that determine the fault for an accident are golden. Your agreement to not involve the police only affords an opportunity for the other driver to change his story and blame you when the police will no longer investigate the accident.


Tenth, don’t pay a traffic ticket without a fight if you weren’t at fault or agree to accept a small payment for your vehicle repairs without knowing that the amount will in fact cover the cost of all the repairs.


If you’ve had a pedestrian accident in Corona, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, Temecula, Murrieta, Riverside, San Bernardino, Moreno Valley, Fontana, Palmdale, Victorville, Hesperia, or anywhere in Southern California, we have the knowledge and resources to be your Corona Pedestrian Accident Lawyer and your Ontario Pedestrian Accident Attorney. Be sure to hire a California law firm with auto, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, pedestrian, car, bus, train, boat and airplane accident experience, wrongful death experience and insurance law expertise who can ensure you are properly represented and get the compensation you deserve.


If you have a personal injury legal matter, a dog bite or if you’ve lost a loved one in a wrongful death accident, call the Law Offices of R. Sebastian Gibson, or visit our website at  and learn how we can assist you.

R. Sebastian Gibson

Family Tree question!?

November 9th, 2011 5 comments

I’m stuck on my great-great grandfather on my family tree. i have his birth year, his death year, his social security number, and I know he was in world war one. Ohio (his birthplace) didn’t start keeping birth records until 1908 though. is there anyway I can find out the name of his father? He was born in Ohio, but lived & died in Wisconsin. I just want to be able to find his father’s name. I don’t really care about anything else.

His SSN application, $27, should have his father’s name and his mother’s maiden name. His death certificate might have them. His marriage record might have them. The article about his wedding in the local paper’s society pages, on microfilm in the library, may have them.

You could post his name, DOB and the places he was born in and lived in (town, COUNTY, state) here and someone might find him on the census. That isn’t as good as the SSN app, but it is free. It isn’t as good because if he lived with an uncle and called him "Dad" because his parents died when he was young, he might be on the census with relation "son" instead of "nephew".

Can’t find anything except for her children’s death records? Help?

November 9th, 2011 1 comment

Her name is Lillian Tyler, born June 15 1918 in Kings, New York. She married Albert Pacini. Had some kids, two of them died. Only records I found of her were in 1920 when she lived with a huge family (unable to find out which Tyler was her parent after extensive researching…no birth record). No residence record after the 1920 NY record. And the only other two that I found were with her and her husband’s name on it for a death certificate of her two kids in a 5 year period. My aunt Carol (lillian and albert’s daughter) said she left her sibling in 1945 because of her depression from losing two kids. I have been searching everywhere (especially…very helpful) but can not seem to find anything else on her. Why isn’t she documented? Why can’t I find a birth certificate, a marriage certificate, a residence after 1920, anything? I really want to be able to help my aunt find out who her mom was and if she is still alive or not or where she died. If anyone can give me some advice or help me out or explain to me why she seems to disappear after 1920, it would be greatly appreciated. She is such a mystery to everyone in my aunts family and we all want to find out what happened or a little bit more about her. I thought everyone had to participate in the census? Why can’t I find anything else on her?
Thank you for answering! I really need some help.

There’s lots of reasons why you may not find someone in an online resource ranging from they don’t have the helpful record, the name is indexed so poorly it’s not searchable, they moved and you’re looking in the wrong location, the information on the record is wrong, or there’s some fact you don’t know (i.e. she remarried or somehow got listed under a stepfather’s name). It’s likely she is documented, you just can’t find the documents so far. There are some cases where a person is undocumented. Sometimes by choice, sometimes by the cruelties of life (i.e. died a Jane Doe), and often because the documents have been destroyed (i.e. courthouse fires).

You may find it helpful to go ahead and order a birth (& maybe marriage) record direct from the appropriate agency:

I wouldn’t try to order a death record until you can be certain she has died and what name she may have died with (i.e. remarried). Find A Grave may be helpful. There seems to be a couple possibilities with a maiden name Tyler born in 1918. For this site, spelling counts so try multiple variations.

I really need some help!!!!?

November 9th, 2011 3 comments

1. Justinian’s Code became the backbone of modern Europe’s (2 points)
phone system.
legal system.
2. In what way did the Qur’an affect the role of Islamic women? (2 points)
Women were given more legal rights.
Women could no longer own property.
Women were required to work at home.
Women were unequal to men.
3. One great contribution of the Islamic golden age was (2 points)
golden goblets.
4. The West African trade empires made their money mainly by trading salt and (2 points)
5. The Bantu-speaking people migrated because they were looking for
(2 points)
better weather conditions.
better farmland and better grazing.
gold and salt.
the coast, so that they could trade.
6. Which statement is true about Kilwa and Aksum? (2 points)
They were Christian kingdoms.
They were Muslim kingdoms.
They were city-states on the coast.
They grew powerful through trade.
7. How did the Incas keep records? (2 points)
They cut them into clay tablets that were then dried in the sun.
They used turkey quills to write them on scrolls.
They used a group of knotted strings called a quipu.
They carved them into stone.
8. Which statement best describes the agriculture of the Mayas? (2 points)
Each year, they rotated the kinds of crops planted.
When an area of soil wore out, they cleared and planted a new area.
They grazed cattle in their cornfields to thin the crops.
They left trees in the field to shade the growing corn.
9. Where in North America did the Mound Builders live? (2 points)
in the Southwest
in the Northwest
in Central Mexico
in eastern North America
10. Which Chinese thinker believed that peace and stability could be brought to China if all people treated one another with respect? (2 points)
Tang Taizong
Tokugawa Ieyasu
11. What caused the rise of the feudal system in Japan? In your answer, explain what a feudal system is. (5 points)

12. More than 100 years after Akbar’s death, the Mughal Empire began to fall apart. What were two of the reasons that caused this to happen?

1. alphabets
2. women were given more rights
3. algebra
4. gold
5. better farmland and better grazing
6 ?
7. They used a group of knotted strings called the quipu.
your part of connections accademy arrent you ? from fellow student

If UR talking on a tape recorder in public & someone says something in the background is it legal 2 use…?

November 9th, 2011 4 comments

…in court? Or if they make a death threat to you but you don’t know their name or where they live etc is it legal? I need legal facts on this, not assumptions, thank you!

I want to submit a tape recording of public mobbing in the town where I used to live in a court hearing and else where. (Keep in mind I don’t know who these people are or ever will.)
Is it safe for me to use in court?

I lived in California at the time, but now I live in Nevada.
falsi fiable, your stupid I don’t think you know what you are talking about! First of all if no one can record anyone in the background the digital tape recorder would be outlawed!

And secondly I used the tape recorder to provide proof I am being publicly gang stalked, verbally assaulted and mobbed every time I leave my house. This has to do the police corruption who are the ones instigating this crime against me by contacting the public with lies about me, esp that I am slandering their city and trying to destroy it!

This tactic is part of the COINTELPRO program that I am a target of for reporting their and other police Dept involvement in corruption. Such corruption that would shut down 90% of all Police Dept all a crossed America!

And thirdly ALL courts are going to be hearing these tapes.

Depending all the fact that we have no way to know about your case, you might or not be allowed to submit the tape as evidence in court.

The best you can do is to talk about it with a lawyer who might know all the details of your case; if your lawyer thinks that it’s worth the effort then he might try to submit it as evidence but it’s up to the judge to reject it or not.

Desperate help needed. What are my legal options in this case in illinois, please only serious answers thanks?

November 9th, 2011 2 comments

Hi there,
I live in Chicago. About a few weeks ago, this guy whom I know for 3 month. He grabbed my wallet and took out 500+ bucks while I was in his car with his brother, an accomplice. He said he needed money for emergency and would give me back the next day. He also happened to take my debit card without my notice, which he tried to use it the next day to get 1000 (fortunately I only have 10 dollars on it). Then, after a day, I tried to call and ask him to give my money back or I will tell the police. He denied that he ever took my money. Then about a few days later, he called me with private number and give me a death threat: "yo, my brother is gonna kill you, we know where you leave…" His number is now disconnected. I then reported the theft and the threat to the local police department. They gave me a report and ask me to call 911 if I see him again. Then, last friday, this person stalked me and threatened me near my house. He drove from behind while I was walking, then he pulled out a gun and spoke something threatening to me, which I could not understand at the moment. So, I called 911, and the officers said I should just go to see a warrant officer who may file a warrant of summons or warrant of arrest (idk why the officer cant go arrest him right way). So I am gonna go tomorrow to see the warrant officer, with my 3 police reports of him stealing, threatening and stalking me.

The question I ask is, would it be possible (do I have a strong cause) for me to request the warrant officer to get a warrant of arrest and get this guy arrested immediately, instead of getting a warrant of summons, where the court orders the guy to appear on his own. Because I believe now I am seriously threatened; he is dangerous to me and could attack me anytime; I cant even sleep while. Plus, I also have the probable cause of him stealing from me and thefting my card. Let me know what are my options here. If you have any suggestions of which course of actions should I take. And yes, I do have many evidence. For example, I recorded the conversation when he took my money from my hand. And I screen recorded the facebook chat where he threatened me. Thank you very much. Appreciate your answers.

When you don’t report the initial crime immediately, the officer can’t make an immediate arrest.

In this situation, the facts are too muddied. You essentially let him borrow the money by accepting what he said about paying the money back the following day. This makes the situation a civil matter – not a criminal matter.

The issue with the debit card is also very murky. He will claim that you agreed to let him borrow that too – and you didn’t call the police until after he didn’t pay you back. (So the argument his lawyer would have is that you have a motive to lie.) Now you have reasonable doubt – so there is no hope of a criminal conviction against him.

When you threatened to report this incident as a theft unless he paid you back you REALLY mucked up the situation. The $500 is not and could never be a criminal matter – so threatening to involve the police to take care of your debt collection was highly improper. (It DOES NOT MATTER that he took money from your hand and it DOES NOT MATTER that you probably didn’t want him to have the money. You allowed him to take the money (by virtue of you not reporting this as a theft immediately) as a loan.

Stalking is a criminal behavior that has a very specific legal definition. It is unlikely that what he is doing rises to the level of stalking.

The threats you have described may or may not be actionable – but it’s not likely. Claiming that his brother is going to kill you isn’t enough, in and of itself, to rise to the level of a crime. Talking smack and blowing off steam isn’t necessarily a crime.

That you saw the guy with a gun is interesting – but your credibility is going to be an issue – because you apparently claimed the guy stole the cash. Unless there is another witness, there isn’t enough to justify a conviction.

He is not going to be arrested on the spot because the facts are too convoluted. This is something that a police officer MIGHT write up as a report and submit it to the prosecutor’s office to see if the prosecutor is interested in filing criminal charges. But I’m sorry, I don’t think you should get your hopes up.

Did Jesus return as Elvis ?

November 9th, 2011 6 comments

JESUS was a carpenter. ELVIS’ favorite high school class was wood shop.

JESUS said: "Love thy neighbor." (Matthew 22:39) ELVIS said: "Don’t be cruel." (RCA 1956)

JESUS was part of the Trinity. ELVIS’ very first band was a trio.

JESUS walked on water. (Matthew 14:25). ELVIS surfed on water. (Blue Hawaii, Paramount:1965).

JESUS is the Lord’s Shepherd. ELVIS dated Cybill Shepherd.

JESUS’ entourage, the Apostles, had 12 members. ELVIS’ entourage, the Memphis Mafia, had 12 members.

JESUS fasted 40 days and nights. ELVIS had irregular eating habits (e.g. 5 banana splits for breakfast).

JESUS said, "If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." (John 7:37). ELVIS said, "Drinks on me!" (Jailhouse Rock, MGM:1957)

JESUS was first and foremost the Son of God. ELVIS first recorded with Sun Studios, which today are still considered to be his foremost recordings.

JESUS said: "Man shall not live by bread alone." ELVIS liked his sandwiches with peanut butter and bananas.

Mary, an important woman in JESUS’ life, had an Immaculate Conception. Priscilla, an important woman in ELVIS’ life, attended Immaculate Conception High School.

JESUS’ "countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow." (Matthew 28:3). ELVIS wore snow-white jumpsuits with lightning bolts.

JESUS was the lamb of God. ELVIS had mutton chop sideburns.

JESUS’ Father is everywhere. ELVIS’ father was a drifter, and moved around quite a bit.

Matthew was one of JESUS’ many biographers. (The Gospel According to Matthew) Neil Matthews was one of ELVIS’ many biographers. (Elvis: A Golden Tribute)

JESUS H. CHRIST has 12 letters. ELVIS PRESLEY has 12 letters.

No one knows what the "H" in "JESUS H. Christ" stood for. No one was really sure if ELVIS’ middle name was "Aron" or "Aaron".

JESUS had his famous Resurrection. ELVIS had the famous 1968 "comeback" TV special.

JESUS wore a crown of thorns. ELVIS wore Royal Crown hair styler.

JESUS lived in a state of grace, in a Near Eastern land. ELVIS lived in Graceland, in a nearly eastern state.

JESUS said, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46). ELVIS sang "Return To Sender".

JESUS is often depicted in pictures with a halo that looks like a gold plate. ELVIS’ face is often depicted on a plate with gold trim and sold through TV.

JESUS taught that His followers should love Him. ELVIS sang "Love Me Tender".

After His death, JESUS was seen by over 500 followers. After his death, ELVIS was spotted in a Burger King
Louis P. Wu
I would point out to you that Jesus was never God either .

Thanks for sharing Evil Eye.I can’t stop laughing…

Does he deserve a second chance?Its all bittersweet!?

November 9th, 2011 8 comments

ok so heres the scoop. my boyfriend and I have been together 3 1/2 years. We have a 2 year old daughter and we bought a house last april. Since the beginning commitment has always been an issue. I got pregnant 7 months into the relationship while on birth control and he didnt want a child at the time so he asked me to get an abortion. I refused and eventually he was OK with the idea however he said i Trapped him into the relationship by getting pregnant. We have never broken up but there were times where it was an option. We have been to counceling together and i seemed to do nothing but positive for us-which is great! Marriage is something i have always wanted and it went from "i will never marry you, to Maybe one day" I am his first serious relationship and he was always wondering if he was missing out on other women but he never cheated until NOW!. About 1 month ago he went to florida to work and is currently still out there. I found out through my phone records that he was talking to another woman. I confronted him and he admitted to it. They didnt have sex or oral but they kissed and he gave him a hand job. I also talked to the woman and thier stories matched, I have no doubt he was being honest. I was furious and i gave him an ultimatum-Put a ring on my finger by december or i am done and i will do everything in my power to keep you from our daughter. HE TOOK IT. I bought a ring last thursday ($3000) and i am holding it until he returns oct 15th where he is supposed to propose. I am very overwhelmed though. I love him to death but i am sad it took him cheating to take the next step when giving him an ultimatum. I hope he doesnt ever cheat and he says e wont-he even got a tattoo symbolizing our daughter and myself. Could he really have had an ephihany after cheating?Realizing what he had back home and wanting to marry me? Am i crazy for giving him a second chance or can this really work? Was this really what needed to happen in order for him to commit? Please help me and reassure me giving him a second chance was the right thing to do!!! thanks
i should add a couple years ago i kissed a gay guy in front of him while at a gay bar in chicago. He was pretty upset but never broke up with me

I am saying i have not been faithful or an angel the whole time so can i really be upset for what hes done?

also i asked WHY he cheated and he said he was lonely! I don’t buy it for a second i believe an opportunity came up and he took it

Dont get married, Just because he puts a ring on it and signs some papers doesnt mean he will change. If he really wants to change it will take time, he wont change over night.

Dont rush into getting married, wait for a while and make sure he is ready to be a good husband, like I said he wont change over night it will take a while, if you let him slide this time he will think its ok and do it again. Time will tell so, be engaged for now and see how that works out for a while.

Rancho Cucamonga Auto Accident Attorney’s Top Ten Unusual Nightmares After a Car Accident

November 2nd, 2011 No comments

1. The car you are in keeps getting hit by one car after another.


2. The police handcuff you after the accident.


3. The police talk to you, but only in French.


4. The other car disappears and noone believes an accident happened.


5. Your chihuahua is driving.


6. The paramedics ignore you.


7. You’re still sitting in the hospital emergency room waiting to be seen three days later.


8. Your doctor is your drunk neighbor.


9. Your physical therapist wants to do surgery.


10. Your lawyer is your mother and she’s blaming you for the accident.

Here are ten actual tips of advice from an auto accident lawyer to follow if you have been in an accident. You can also learn more about how to handle a personal injury in Rancho Cucamonga, or any city, by calling the Law Offices of R. Sebastian Gibson at any of the numbers which can be found on our website at  and learning how we can assist you.


Obviously, if you have had an accident, and you are reading all of this advice, it may have been a few hours since the accident. However, if you ever have another accident, or if it’s only been a few hours since you were hurt, here’s what you should do from the start.


First, take a look around and determine if you or anyone, are hurt. If so, taking steps like trying to prevent further injury or loss of blood are the most important thing you can do. Even if some other driver caused you to be injured, it’s just good manners to help the other driver if they are hurt. They may even be so thankful that they admit their fault to you. The worst thing you can do is get angry or start a fight.


Second, make sure everyone is safe from being injured further. If you are in the middle of traffic, and you are dizzy, sit down away from traffic. If your vehicle is a traffic hazard and you have accident warning devices like flares or triangles, put them out on the road to warn other drivers and get away from the car. Let the police an other emergency personnel investigate the scene with the vehicles in place and move them more safely at a later point.


Third, call the police. Accident reports are extremely helpful if the police will do such a report. Let the police know you are injured immediately. Answer the police questions honestly. But if you are dazed or confused, let them know you need medical treatment and answer only what you feel sure about. Remember, your statements can and will be used against you if you admit fault, and it will be too late and too fishy to later say you didn’t know what you were saying at the scene. Police know that your best recollection is immediately after an accident.


Fourth, get the other driver’s information including their names, addresses, driver’s license numbers, make and model of their vehicles, license plate numbers, and their insurance company name and policy number. If there are witnesses, get their names, addresses and telephone numbers as well. If the other driver makes any admissions of fault, write those down as well.


Fifth, if you have a camera on your cell phone or in the car and you aren’t too injured, take some photos of the vehicles and the scene. If you can’t do it right away, do it after you are released from the hospital.

Sixth, if you are hurt, obtain medical treatment. Don’t decline the ambulance or hospital examination to save your insurance company money or to be stoic. Take your valuables out of your car if you can and get checked out at the hospital. If you are not hurt, don’t get treatment you don’t need. However, remember, after an accident, you may feel a rush of adrenaline that causes you to only start feeling symptoms of pain a few hours later. If you have a health plan that requires you to obtain permission first, call them and find out where you are allowed to seek treatment.


Seventh, call a good auto accident attorney as soon as you have had your initial treatment, so the lawyer can gather other important evidence and prevent the insurance company from taking advantage of you and obtaining such things as recorded statements that you feel fine, when many of your symptoms have yet to manifest themselves. A good auto accident attorney can save you from making a great deal of mistakes and can shoulder much of the hassle of knowing what to do about car repairs, car rentals, medical treatment, witness statements and the like. If you think you will save money by not having an attorney, think again. A good auto accident lawyer can almost always obtain much higher settlements, obtain reductions of medical bills and insurance liens and prevent you from making costly mistakes. Also, most auto accident attorneys advance costs of obtaining police reports, medical records and the like and are paid and reimbursed for these costs only out of any settlement.


Eight, you will need to report the accident to your insurance company, but since they will want to take a recorded statement from you, just like any other driver’s insurance company, it’s good advice to retain an attorney first. And if the other driver did not have insurance, remember that it is your own insurance company that will be your adversary. You will also need to report the accident to the Department of Motor Vehicles and your lawyer can give you the form for this.


Ninth, do not agree to settle your claim privately with the person at fault for the accident. This almost never works out to your advantage. Don’t agree not to call the police. Police reports that determine the fault for an accident are golden. Your agreement to not involve the police only affords an opportunity for the other driver to change his story and blame you when the police will no longer investigate the accident.


Tenth, don’t pay a traffic ticket without a fight if you weren’t at fault or agree to accept a small payment for your vehicle repairs without knowing that the amount will in fact cover the cost of all the repairs.


If you’ve had an auto accident in Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, Temecula, Murrieta, Riverside, San Bernardino, Moreno Valley, Fontana, Palmdale, Victorville, Hesperia, or anywhere in Southern California, we have the knowledge and resources to be your Rancho Cucamonga Auto Accident Lawyer and your Ontario Auto Accident Attorney. Be sure to hire a California law firm with auto, motorcycle, truck, bicycle, pedestrian, car, bus, train, boat and airplane accident experience, wrongful death experience and insurance law expertise who can ensure you are properly represented and get the compensation you deserve.


If you have a personal injury legal matter, a dog bite or if you’ve lost a loved one in a wrongful death accident, call the Law Offices of R. Sebastian Gibson, or visit our website at  and learn how we can assist you.

R. Sebastian Gibson