
Posts Tagged ‘Proof’

How do you cope when your life is messed up/ruined

January 24th, 2010 3 comments

First before answering, I want to assure you that I am completely sane when I make reference to this story. I have seen a lot of answers to my situation, that continuakky indulge upon my mental well being. For the record, with proof, I am a sane individual. There should be NO ANSWERS ABOUT MY SANITY. My goal is to tell as many people as possible of the injustices that happened at the University of Michigan. Here is my story:

My story begins back in September of 2007. I was going to college where I was viewed as a loner or a person that stayed to himself. What happened next, followed harrassment by my dorm room of college kids my own age(Eventually a guard would be put below my window). I left the college, but it was in regards to a desicion in career opportunities not met while at that college. Three months later(January of 2008), I decided to return(stupid) only to find harrassment and stalking becoming ever more commonplace. In campus I was followed around, made fun of and harrassed. Eventually, things that I would do in my apartment, people would know/repeat what would happen there. In fact everytime I would move in my apartment, a car alarm would go off; deployed by the students that stayed in my building. Eventually it got so bad that there was a protest that happened below my apartment. I decided that I would move to another apartment that was offered by student housing. This was worse, being that this place was bugged, and a man inside a vehicle outside my apartment would yell degrading comments everytime I would move in the apartment. Now through this experience comes a question as to how would you know your apartment was bugged? Well, I would here people talk about my apartment on the street, or hear the exact same songs being played in parties that would play in my apartment. Eventually it got so bad that people outside my apartment would yell I going to kill you!!! as well as kick the apartment wall outside my apartment. It was from this point that I decided to talk to the police. When I talked to them nothing got solved except the harassment being more intensified. Men outside my apartment were yelling degrading comments, students were demanding I "talk to someone" due to my loner behavior, and I began to become an outcast on the college’s campus. Eventually being refered as a weirdo, psychopath and other degrading terms. When I decided to leave to go home, men came oustide my dorm room demanded I stay at the college, and began to make death threats. It got so bad that I could see them outside the window making these threats. That is when I decided to call the cops a second time. When the cops came, they said there was no foot prints outside my window, and requested that I go to the hosptial. While there I see the exact same guys that were there outside my window were there in the hospital(same guys that bugged me). Fearing for my life, I told the doctors that I was hearing voices and was put in a hospital. Thinking that everything would be alright, the people in the hospital said, that you should go back to the college and they began wearing the college’s emblems(From one nightmare to the next). Eventually I got out of the hospital and went home to my parent’s house. When I was there I found the wire’s in my basement messed up, and my house, and phone conversations "bugged". When I would go and walk on the street things that happened in my house, people would know about. In fact joke and talk about the ailments that happened in college. On top of that. While driving on the road, a phone company truck, and/or hospital van would show every single day. To top this off, everytime I move in my own house, a car passes by with a person yelling out that you messed up and/or electrical pulses are sent through my house. On top of that they cause havoc in the world. For example, everytime "I would mess up"(as said by people who yell past my house everyday) I would see problems within my community and the world even though it sounds crazy . Because of my hospitalization, if I bring this information up with my parents, they think I going nuts and think a higher dosage of medication will work……but I am not nuts. For crying outloud I faked the illness to escape that havoc. So my life has been a living hell ever since I decided to go back to that college in January. Since that time, my life has been of harrassment, stalking, and my house and phone calls being bugged. It’s as if there is nothing you can do anything about. I want to mention that most of the people in my home town changed their license plates to the license plates of the college I went to. Plus on top of that each neighbor I would wave hi too, guys in pick up trucks would go to their houses and install bugging equipment within their residences. I witnessed this happening. The last thing I want to add is that now everytime I go past a cell phone, a third party participant yells degrading information over the phone. And everyone in my home town considers me a pychopath for leaving the college. To add further woe, when I left the country to visit a relative, these same things would happen there. The only difference was that when I would "mess up"(as said by the drivers), they would honk their horn. For example, if I would get up too fast, or start moving around a car would beep it’s horn. All these events that occured are real though it sounds crazy. My illness was faked, but my experiences real. The college I went to: the University of Michigan. In terms of who is stalking/harassing me/electronic harassment or who bugged my parents house, cars, and my car: possibly a rogue law enforcement agency.

That would make a great book 🙂

Should I go to the press about my experiences that happened at the University of Michigan?

January 22nd, 2010 8 comments

First before answering, I want to assure you that I am completely sane when I make reference to this story. I have seen a lot of answers to my situation, that continuakky indulge upon my mental well being. For the record, with proof, I am a sane individual. There should be NO ANSWERS ABOUT MY SANITY. My goal is to tell as many people as possible of the injustices that happened at the University of Michigan. Here is my story:

My story begins back in September of 2007. I was going to college where I was viewed as a loner or a person that stayed to himself. What happened next, followed harrassment by my dorm room of college kids my own age(Eventually a guard would be put below my window). I left the college, but it was in regards to a desicion in career opportunities not met while at that college. Three months later(January of 2008), I decided to return(stupid) only to find harrassment and stalking becoming ever more commonplace. In campus I was followed around, made fun of and harrassed. Eventually, things that I would do in my apartment, people would know/repeat what would happen there. In fact everytime I would move in my apartment, a car alarm would go off; deployed by the students that stayed in my building. Eventually it got so bad that there was a protest that happened below my apartment. I decided that I would move to another apartment that was offered by student housing. This was worse, being that this place was bugged, and a man inside a vehicle outside my apartment would yell degrading comments everytime I would move in the apartment. Now through this experience comes a question as to how would you know your apartment was bugged? Well, I would here people talk about my apartment on the street, or hear the exact same songs being played in parties that would play in my apartment. Eventually it got so bad that people outside my apartment would yell I going to kill you!!! as well as kick the apartment wall outside my apartment. It was from this point that I decided to talk to the police. When I talked to them nothing got solved except the harassment being more intensified. Men outside my apartment were yelling degrading comments, students were demanding I "talk to someone" due to my loner behavior, and I began to become an outcast on the college’s campus. Eventually being refered as a weirdo, psychopath and other degrading terms. When I decided to leave to go home, men came oustide my dorm room demanded I stay at the college, and began to make death threats. It got so bad that I could see them outside the window making these threats. That is when I decided to call the cops a second time. When the cops came, they said there was no foot prints outside my window, and requested that I go to the hosptial. While there I see the exact same guys that were there outside my window were there in the hospital(same guys that bugged me). Fearing for my life, I told the doctors that I was hearing voices and was put in a hospital. Thinking that everything would be alright, the people in the hospital said, that you should go back to the college and they began wearing the college’s emblems(From one nightmare to the next). Eventually I got out of the hospital and went home to my parent’s house. When I was there I found the wire’s in my basement messed up, and my house, and phone conversations "bugged". When I would go and walk on the street things that happened in my house, people would know about. In fact joke and talk about the ailments that happened in college. On top of that. While driving on the road, a phone company truck, and/or hospital van would show every single day. To top this off, everytime I move in my own house, a car passes by with a person yelling out that you messed up and/or electrical pulses are sent through my house. On top of that they cause havoc in the world. For example, everytime "I would mess up"(as said by people who yell past my house everyday) I would see problems within my community and the world even though it sounds crazy . Because of my hospitalization, if I bring this information up with my parents, they think I going nuts and think a higher dosage of medication will work……but I am not nuts. For crying outloud I faked the illness to escape that havoc. So my life has been a living hell ever since I decided to go back to that college in January. Since that time, my life has been of harrassment, stalking, and my house and phone calls being bugged. It’s as if there is nothing you can do anything about. I want to mention that most of the people in my home town changed their license plates to the license plates of the college I went to. Plus on top of that each neighbor I would wave hi too, guys in pick up trucks would go to their houses and install bugging equipment within their residences. I witnessed this happening. The last thing I want to add is that now everytime I go past a cell phone, a third party participant yells degrading information over the phone. And everyone in my home town considers me a pychopath for leaving the college. To add further woe, when I left the country to visit a relative, these same things would happen there. The only difference was that when I would "mess up"(as said by the drivers), they would honk their horn. For example, if I would get up too fast, or start moving around a car would beep it’s horn. All these events that occured are real though it sounds crazy. My illness was faked, but my experiences real. The college I went to: the University of Michigan. In terms of who is stalking/harassing me/electronic harassment or who bugged my parents house, cars, and my car: possibly a rogue law enforcement agency.
This is factual with evidence.

okay that was long i couldnt finish reading but i read half way through.
all im going to say is you should never let anyone bring you down…Aparently those ppl havent grown up yet, stand up for yourself and let them know that you are not afraid of them and that you can fight your battles.YOu should so effing report all this to the prence, police, or anything….this freakin college has issues same with those fuckers who like to harrass you…If it was me, the place wouldve been closed down by now…..Take my advice and go where to you have to or need to go to fight for your rights, you’ve put up with a bunch of B.S
its time for them ppl to get what they desrve….talk to someone about this….Im pretty sure if the media finds out that place will most defenately change….

How was my life ruined by going to the University of Michigan?

January 20th, 2010 4 comments

First before answering, I want to assure you that I am completely sane when I make reference to this story. I have seen a lot of answers to my situation, that continuakky indulge upon my mental well being. For the record, with proof, I am a sane individual. There should be NO ANSWERS ABOUT MY SANITY. My goal is to tell as many people as possible of the injustices that happened at the University of Michigan. Here is my story:

My story begins back in September of 2007. I was going to college where I was viewed as a loner or a person that stayed to himself. What happened next, followed harrassment by my dorm room of college kids my own age(Eventually a guard would be put below my window). I left the college, but it was in regards to a desicion in career opportunities not met while at that college. Three months later(January of 2008), I decided to return(stupid) only to find harrassment and stalking becoming ever more commonplace. In campus I was followed around, made fun of and harrassed. Eventually, things that I would do in my apartment, people would know/repeat what would happen there. In fact everytime I would move in my apartment, a car alarm would go off; deployed by the students that stayed in my building. Eventually it got so bad that there was a protest that happened below my apartment. I decided that I would move to another apartment that was offered by student housing. This was worse, being that this place was bugged, and a man inside a vehicle outside my apartment would yell degrading comments everytime I would move in the apartment. Now through this experience comes a question as to how would you know your apartment was bugged? Well, I would here people talk about my apartment on the street, or hear the exact same songs being played in parties that would play in my apartment. Eventually it got so bad that people outside my apartment would yell I going to kill you!!! as well as kick the apartment wall outside my apartment. It was from this point that I decided to talk to the police. When I talked to them nothing got solved except the harassment being more intensified. Men outside my apartment were yelling degrading comments, students were demanding I "talk to someone" due to my loner behavior, and I began to become an outcast on the college’s campus. Eventually being refered as a weirdo, psychopath and other degrading terms. When I decided to leave to go home, men came oustide my dorm room demanded I stay at the college, and began to make death threats. It got so bad that I could see them outside the window making these threats. That is when I decided to call the cops a second time. When the cops came, they said there was no foot prints outside my window, and requested that I go to the hosptial. While there I see the exact same guys that were there outside my window were there in the hospital(same guys that bugged me). Fearing for my life, I told the doctors that I was hearing voices and was put in a hospital. Thinking that everything would be alright, the people in the hospital said, that you should go back to the college and they began wearing the college’s emblems(From one nightmare to the next). Eventually I got out of the hospital and went home to my parent’s house. When I was there I found the wire’s in my basement messed up, and my house, and phone conversations "bugged". When I would go and walk on the street things that happened in my house, people would know about. In fact joke and talk about the ailments that happened in college. On top of that. While driving on the road, a phone company truck, and/or hospital van would show every single day. To top this off, everytime I move in my own house, a car passes by with a person yelling out that you messed up and/or electrical pulses are sent through my house. On top of that they cause havoc in the world. For example, everytime "I would mess up"(as said by people who yell past my house everyday) I would see problems within my community and the world even though it sounds crazy . Because of my hospitalization, if I bring this information up with my parents, they think I going nuts and think a higher dosage of medication will work……but I am not nuts. For crying outloud I faked the illness to escape that havoc. So my life has been a living hell ever since I decided to go back to that college in January. Since that time, my life has been of harrassment, stalking, and my house and phone calls being bugged. It’s as if there is nothing you can do anything about. I want to mention that most of the people in my home town changed their license plates to the license plates of the college I went to. Plus on top of that each neighbor I would wave hi too, guys in pick up trucks would go to their houses and install bugging equipment within their residences. I witnessed this happening. The last thing I want to add is that now everytime I go past a cell phone, a third party participant yells degrading information over the phone. And everyone in my home town considers me a pychopath for leaving the college. To add further woe, when I left the country to visit a relative, these same things would happen there. The only difference was that when I would "mess up"(as said by the drivers), they would honk their horn. For example, if I would get up too fast, or start moving around a car would beep it’s horn. All these events that occured are real though it sounds crazy. My illness was faked, but my experiences real. The college I went to: the University of Michigan. In terms of who is stalking/harassing me/electronic harassment or who bugged my parents house, cars, and my car: possibly a rogue law enforcement agency.


Where can I get a free death record? *SORRY IT’S LONG*?

January 20th, 2010 5 comments

Okay, I’m having some issues here. My father…I mean…the man who donated sperm to make me. Sorry, but my father and I have never really had a whole lot to do with eachother. He chose drugs over being a real dad. The only reason we EVER had anything to do with eachother is because of my Abuela (his mom). She was one of the most wonderful people I have ever known. Anyway…back to my question. My father was very sick, contracted AIDS & cancer. He would always say he was taking all of the treatments but he constantly lied. Even about that. Last time I saw him he was very sick (he got extremely sick, not long after my Abuela died) and had even less to do with me. His girlfriend (another loser)…well, i wouldn’t put it past her to lie about something so serious. She called me back on…I believe it was October 13, 2007 and told me that my father had passed. I asked her what arrangements were being made for a funeral and all and she told me "none". That he was just going to be cremated and she was going to keep the ashes. Never asked my opinion (as his ONE AND ONLY CHILD) about anything. She had already decided and that was that. So i never argued the point, and never spoke to her again since that call. Anyway, like I said, he was a big drug addict, in and out of jail. Well, after he passed I called the jail to inform them (because he was on probation, and I didn’t want them going on a big search for him as they had done several other times as I was growing up, having bounty hunters or whatever on my doorstep asking me if I knew where he was). And they said "well, we need proof as in a death certificate. I said "okay, his girlfriend will have to deal with that one). Well, here I am a year and a half later, and I just decided to look up his name in the Florida Inmate Search website, and there is his mugshot (an old one), that says he is still under Supervised Probation until 7/2009. And the date says "Current as of 1/4/2009". So I’m starting to believe she actually LIED to me about his death!! I am very confused. Where can I get death records???? I don’t have much money right now (2 young kids, fiance out of work from MRSA, and a crappy economy) so I am wondering if there is anyplace I can look for FREE?

I don’t think that you can get anything for free. You would need to get the records from the town that he died in. I don’t think they are that expensive, but I do understand your money situation right now.

Maybe you can just call the town and tell them that you heard that your father died and if they can tell you if that is true?

Try googling his name with the word obituary after it…maybe something will pop up…or type death of__________(his name).

Hope this helps.

BTW, how is the fiancee?

(Yes or no) Is the University of Michigan complacent in harassment?

January 18th, 2010 4 comments

First before answering, I want to assure you that I am completely sane when I make reference to this story. I have seen a lot of answers to my situation, that continuakky indulge upon my mental well being. For the record, with proof, I am a sane individual. There should be NO ANSWERS ABOUT MY SANITY. My goal is to tell as many people as possible of the injustices that happened at the University of Michigan. Here is my story:

My story begins back in September of 2007. I was going to college where I was viewed as a loner or a person that stayed to himself. What happened next, followed harrassment by my dorm room of college kids my own age(Eventually a guard would be put below my window). I left the college, but it was in regards to a desicion in career opportunities not met while at that college. Three months later(January of 2008), I decided to return(stupid) only to find harrassment and stalking becoming ever more commonplace. In campus I was followed around, made fun of and harrassed. Eventually, things that I would do in my apartment, people would know/repeat what would happen there. In fact everytime I would move in my apartment, a car alarm would go off; deployed by the students that stayed in my building. Eventually it got so bad that there was a protest that happened below my apartment. I decided that I would move to another apartment that was offered by student housing. This was worse, being that this place was bugged, and a man inside a vehicle outside my apartment would yell degrading comments everytime I would move in the apartment. Now through this experience comes a question as to how would you know your apartment was bugged? Well, I would here people talk about my apartment on the street, or hear the exact same songs being played in parties that would play in my apartment. Eventually it got so bad that people outside my apartment would yell I going to kill you!!! as well as kick the apartment wall outside my apartment. It was from this point that I decided to talk to the police. When I talked to them nothing got solved except the harassment being more intensified. Men outside my apartment were yelling degrading comments, students were demanding I "talk to someone" due to my loner behavior, and I began to become an outcast on the college’s campus. Eventually being refered as a weirdo, psychopath and other degrading terms. When I decided to leave to go home, men came oustide my dorm room demanded I stay at the college, and began to make death threats. It got so bad that I could see them outside the window making these threats. That is when I decided to call the cops a second time. When the cops came, they said there was no foot prints outside my window, and requested that I go to the hosptial. While there I see the exact same guys that were there outside my window were there in the hospital(same guys that bugged me). Fearing for my life, I told the doctors that I was hearing voices and was put in a hospital. Thinking that everything would be alright, the people in the hospital said, that you should go back to the college and they began wearing the college’s emblems(From one nightmare to the next). Eventually I got out of the hospital and went home to my parent’s house. When I was there I found the wire’s in my basement messed up, and my house, and phone conversations "bugged". When I would go and walk on the street things that happened in my house, people would know about. In fact joke and talk about the ailments that happened in college. On top of that. While driving on the road, a phone company truck, and/or hospital van would show every single day. To top this off, everytime I move in my own house, a car passes by with a person yelling out that you messed up and/or electrical pulses are sent through my house. On top of that they cause havoc in the world. For example, everytime "I would mess up"(as said by people who yell past my house everyday) I would see problems within my community and the world even though it sounds crazy . Because of my hospitalization, if I bring this information up with my parents, they think I going nuts and think a higher dosage of medication will work……but I am not nuts. For crying outloud I faked the illness to escape that havoc. So my life has been a living hell ever since I decided to go back to that college in January. Since that time, my life has been of harrassment, stalking, and my house and phone calls being bugged. It’s as if there is nothing you can do anything about. I want to mention that most of the people in my home town changed their license plates to the license plates of the college I went to. Plus on top of that each neighbor I would wave hi too, guys in pick up trucks would go to their houses and install bugging equipment within their residences. I witnessed this happening. The last thing I want to add is that now everytime I go past a cell phone, a third party participant yells degrading information over the phone. And everyone in my home town considers me a pychopath for leaving the college. To add further woe, when I left the country to visit a relative, these same things would happen there. The only difference was that when I would "mess up"(as said by the drivers), they would honk their horn. For example, if I would get up too fast, or start moving around a car would beep it’s horn. All these events that occured are real though it sounds crazy. My illness was faked, but my experiences real. The college I went to: the University of Michigan. In terms of who is stalking/harassing me/electronic harassment or who bugged my parents house, cars, and my car: possibly a rogue law enforcement agency.

If you feel that the University of Michigan did not do enough you should seek legal advice. If, as a student, or former student you cannot afford an attorney, you should seek out Legal Aid from the county in which you live, which provides pro bono representation for cases which are of merit.

Can I order a Death Certificate of someone who wasn’t a blood relation or married to?

January 15th, 2010 2 comments

The person passed away in Orange County, California. Can I go online and do this? Or must this be done through the Hall of Records in Orange County. Is it possible to go through the Hall of Records in Los Angeles County? The Death Certificate is for financial reasons. I shared a deed to a timeshare (and a bank account) with this person and if I ever sell it, I believe I need to provide this proof.

yes rose you can do it — you will have to pay a processing fee and give a reason!!!! good luck!!!

Do You Think Howard K Stern had a Hand in the Death of Anna Nicole and Son Daniels Death ?

January 15th, 2010 30 comments

Following very closely the court proceedings in Florida regarding who gets custody of the remains of Anna Nicole Smith has brought several issues to light. :

1.) Howard K.Stern essentially has/had no income of his own and that Anna Nicole Smith was supporting him.

2.) Howard was the one who obtained her prescription drugs for her-even though he knew that she was obtaining these under an assumed name at times.

3.) Howard Stern was the one who signed the contract for the burial plots in the Bahamas.

4.) Apparently according to the lawyer for anna’s mother, he had proof ( a fax record he had obtained) that Howard Stern recieved a copy of Anna’s will, five whole days before she even died !!

5.) it was mentioned in court that if Howard truly loved her-How could he allow her to continue this drug use ?

6.) As Anna was seemingly in a on again off again drug haze,How could she have the sound mind to write a will,let alone sign one and let alone choose a gravesite for herself

First of all, I do not think Anna and Howard k ever had a physical relationship. If you ever watched her reality show on E- she may have screwed everyone else—but not Howard. She would often get mad at him and tell him his problem was he needed to get some so he wouldnt be so bitchy.
But for some reason he was always there. She was his one and only client. He could have made major bucks being a lawyer, but instead chose to suck off of her and wait on the big settlement. He had his eye on more than just the fee he would receive.
Why the problem with Birkhead? Well what do you think would happen to Howard if they got serious? Do you think he would still sleep on the couch. Howard knew he had to do something to keep her out of a committed relationship that might lead to marriage. It was o.k for her to screw around , but when she got a serious relationship, this threatened his free ride.
The one common denominator in this is methodone. It was in the house, administered by howard- by his own admission and while she was pregnant. Anna did not drive. Others went on pharmacy trips for her , etc. Daniel was known not to do drugs and even be on his moms case a lot for drug use. He was a straight A student. Maybe he was on a rx antidepressant, but would not be on methadone. A witness told police that Howard flushed drugs down the toilet after Daniel died.
The same witness also testified that Anna told him Larry birkhead was the father, but she wanted to take him out of her life and the babys. She asked his advice on where she could move so he could not have any rights. The freind suggested the Bahamas ,because they legally consider the name on the birth cert. This is the only reason she went. She went expressly for this reason.
I think Howard had her so drugged up so he could call all the shots. The whole time she was pregnant, noone but Larry was ever even mentioned as the father until they broke up. He was there for everything.
Maybe a drug addict does need to make the choice for themselves, but someone sneaking in a duffle bag full of drugs while a pregnant woman is detoxing? What drug addict could fight and deal with that?
Another thing- HKS contradicted hisself several times on the stand. First- he said anna talked about death since her met her . he said she thought she would die young and was obsessed about death. He also said she thought she would did giving birth. She tried to kill herself just two weeks prior.YET- when asked why she didnt change the will since Dannielyn was born (after all he was her attorney) and provide for spouses, children , etc.-Howard stern said "Anna didnt think she would die- and I didnt think she was going to die."
What? This is her attorney who helps direct and prepare wills . He doesnt think a new will is a good idea for a suicidal drug addict that talked about dying all the time? WEIRD
If any of you visit , you will see that HKS has all but conceded Larry is the father— but he wants to negotiate and let Larry have his child, if he gets the other Bahamian house and yaught- and get this—- stays the legal trustee over Danielynn. A man that does not work wants control over this childs inheritance.Basically, he is saying Larry Birkhead could buy his own baby.
This is all definitly motive. Did anyone see the clown tape? Watch in on Anna is high out of her mind and 8 mo pregnant, and howard is taping her in clown makup and telling her "this footage is gonna be worth a lot of money"
BTW, other than in court, HKS is obviously stoned out of his mind half the time.After Danny died he did the interview on larry king. He was like he is most of the time. Eyes bulging and red, constant slurred speach. Anna was not the only one doing methadone. The court needs to order a drug test for Howard Stern . Social services should step in.
This child was living in a household where methadone is just sitting in the fridge. But not groceries of any kind. Other than slim fast. This child has no chance in a home like this.
I dont think howard loved her. I think she was his cash cow. She needed someone though to help her get things that other assistants would probably not do. But she really thought as her friend, he could manipulate her into taking whatever her wanted. It really is a perfect idea. Daniel was the only heir– now he is gone . Now Dannielynn. Since anna is dead this is the only heir, and because of the Bahamian law which I am sure, Howard the lawyer researched, he could become instant daddy legally, and if Anna died- father of the only heir.
I think he talked a drugged and dazed anna into a ceremony. He probably scared her and said, look, if he is the father he could get custody and even the money. I am sure that is why they did a commitment ceremony to make it look legit. But Anna could have legally married him just as easily but didnt. She did not want to. She just wanted to stage this with howard thinking she was being smart protecting her assets from anyone claiming paternity. She trusted howard enough to not be worried with him having this title as father. She never thought he would hurt her.
If HKS did not kill her through homicide, he at least contributed to her death . And there is no doubt, he is all about the money. Her body wasnt even cold yet and he let ET fly with him and do this sickening interview with him holding the baby. He got HUGE bucks for this. He supposedly is her current lover, but is able to do interviews and make big $$ hours later?
I think that if the Bahamas will not enforce DNA testing, then Americans should boycott the Bahamas. This baby wont be a baby for long. She is growing up and Birkhead is missing things he will never get back. His child is in a drug den and noone will help him.

Why you shouldn’t go to the University of Michigan

January 11th, 2010 3 comments

First before answering, I want to assure you that I am completely sane when I make reference to this story. I have seen a lot of answers to my situation, that continuakky indulge upon my mental well being. For the record, with proof, I am a sane individual. There should be NO ANSWERS ABOUT MY SANITY. My goal is to tell as many people as possible of the injustices that happened at the University of Michigan. Here is my story:

My story begins back in September of 2007. I was going to college where I was viewed as a loner or a person that stayed to himself. What happened next, followed harrassment by my dorm room of college kids my own age(Eventually a guard would be put below my window). I left the college, but it was in regards to a desicion in career opportunities not met while at that college. Three months later(January of 2008), I decided to return(stupid) only to find harrassment and stalking becoming ever more commonplace. In campus I was followed around, made fun of and harrassed. Eventually, things that I would do in my apartment, people would know/repeat what would happen there. In fact everytime I would move in my apartment, a car alarm would go off; deployed by the students that stayed in my building. Eventually it got so bad that there was a protest that happened below my apartment. I decided that I would move to another apartment that was offered by student housing. This was worse, being that this place was bugged, and a man inside a vehicle outside my apartment would yell degrading comments everytime I would move in the apartment. Now through this experience comes a question as to how would you know your apartment was bugged? Well, I would here people talk about my apartment on the street, or hear the exact same songs being played in parties that would play in my apartment. Eventually it got so bad that people outside my apartment would yell I going to kill you!!! as well as kick the apartment wall outside my apartment. It was from this point that I decided to talk to the police. When I talked to them nothing got solved except the harassment being more intensified. Men outside my apartment were yelling degrading comments, students were demanding I "talk to someone" due to my loner behavior, and I began to become an outcast on the college’s campus. Eventually being refered as a weirdo, psychopath and other degrading terms. When I decided to leave to go home, men came oustide my dorm room demanded I stay at the college, and began to make death threats. It got so bad that I could see them outside the window making these threats. That is when I decided to call the cops a second time. When the cops came, they said there was no foot prints outside my window, and requested that I go to the hosptial. While there I see the exact same guys that were there outside my window were there in the hospital(same guys that bugged me). Fearing for my life, I told the doctors that I was hearing voices and was put in a hospital. Thinking that everything would be alright, the people in the hospital said, that you should go back to the college and they began wearing the college’s emblems(From one nightmare to the next). Eventually I got out of the hospital and went home to my parent’s house. When I was there I found the wire’s in my basement messed up, and my house, and phone conversations "bugged". When I would go and walk on the street things that happened in my house, people would know about. In fact joke and talk about the ailments that happened in college. On top of that. While driving on the road, a phone company truck, and/or hospital van would show every single day. To top this off, everytime I move in my own house, a car passes by with a person yelling out that you messed up and/or electrical pulses are sent through my house. On top of that they cause havoc in the world. For example, everytime "I would mess up"(as said by people who yell past my house everyday) I would see problems within my community and the world even though it sounds crazy . Because of my hospitalization, if I bring this information up with my parents, they think I going nuts and think a higher dosage of medication will work……but I am not nuts. For crying outloud I faked the illness to escape that havoc. So my life has been a living hell ever since I decided to go back to that college in January. Since that time, my life has been of harrassment, stalking, and my house and phone calls being bugged. It’s as if there is nothing you can do anything about. I want to mention that most of the people in my home town changed their license plates to the license plates of the college I went to. Plus on top of that each neighbor I would wave hi too, guys in pick up trucks would go to their houses and install bugging equipment within their residences. I witnessed this happening. The last thing I want to add is that now everytime I go past a cell phone, a third party participant yells degrading information over the phone. And everyone in my home town considers me a pychopath for leaving the college. To add further woe, when I left the country to visit a relative, these same things would happen there. The only difference was that when I would "mess up"(as said by the drivers), they would honk their horn. For example, if I would get up too fast, or start moving around a car would beep it’s horn. All these events that occured are real though it sounds crazy. My illness was faked, but my experiences real. The college I went to: the University of Michigan. In terms of who is stalking/harassing me/electronic harassment or who bugged my parents house, cars, and my car: possibly a rogue law enforcement agency.

people in michigan are vile, i don’t think it’s just in ann arbor.
hail hail to michigan, the cesspool of the west.

I asked earlier if death certificates and will were public records?

December 11th, 2009 4 comments

and if they are how do I access them ,I am in florida and the death was in dec of 2007 does this help

The death certificate would come from the Florida Department of Health. Here is a website that will give you step by step instructions as to how to procede. You may need to send proof of your relationship and don’t forget to send the appropriate amount of money

You WILL NOT find death certificates online. Death records are restricted in most states and the revenue generated from ordering them are a cash cow for most places.

As far as the will goes… Not everyone leaves a will. Sadly, most to not. However, after a persons death a will needs to be probated. If this person died in December, it may not have even gone through probate yet if they left one. You might want to check with the probate court in the appropriate county to see if it has been filed.

Florida does have procedures for distibution if the person did die without a will. They are as follows.

Florida law sets forth rules for the distribution of an estate if there is no will.

If these is a surviving spouse and no lineal descendants, the surviving spouse is entitled to the entire estate.

If there is a surviving spouse with lineal descendants, and all lineal descendants are also descendants of the surviving spouse, the surviving spouse is entitled to the first $20,000 of the probate estate, plus one-half of the remainder of the probate estate. The descendants share in equal portions the remainder of the estate.

If there is a surviving spouse with lineal descendants, and not all lineal descendants are also descendants of the surviving spouse, the surviving spouse is entitled to one-half of the probate estate, and the descendants of the deceased share the other half of the estate in equal shares.

If there is no surviving spouse and there are descendants, each child is entitled to an equal share, with the children of a deceased child sharing the share of their deceased parent.

If there is no surviving spouse and no children or other descendants, Florida law provides additional rules for distributing an estate in such circumstances.
